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Results 176 to 200 of 308
    1. #176
      Originally posted by Member
      2) Mark your threads NWS (denoted with ), even if it's only slightly (just put SNWS in the title).
      I always assumed that meant So Not Work Safe...what a noob I am.

    2. #177
      Originally posted by Member
      30 days of inactivity is ridiculous. 6 months maybe, but 30 days?
      I travel for weeks during the year where I won't be browsing or posting on O..XERQ.

    3. #178
      Member's Avatar
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    4. #179
      Member's Avatar
      What is the benefit to pruning accounts?

    5. #180
      Member's Avatar
      keeps the db smaller and more manageable.

    6. #181
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      What is the benefit to pruning accounts?
      Incentive to stay active and not be a lurker.

    7. #182
      Member's Avatar
      30 days is a bit much, but I like the idea. 90 days seems fair?

    8. #183
      Member's Avatar
      at the tags

    9. #184
      Last edited by jellojunkie; 12-14-2012 at 09:30 AM.

    10. #185
      fucking tinypic



    11. #186
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Proposed rule:

      No lurkers. You get a 30 day grace period, otherwise members with 0 posts are pruned. Also 30 days of inactivity = prune
      Maybe we could do a 6 month grace period. There have been times where I didn't visit OT for 3 or 4 months, probably longer. And instead of deleting it right away maybe ban the account and if they want it reopened then they would need to email you.

    12. #187
      Originally posted by Member
      Alright, what rules do we need? Keeping shit not IRL is a given. I don't care about racism or autoplay, I'll see about putting options to disable both in the usercp

      OK- here's what we have so far:

      1) Promote Good Fellowship: don't bring shit IRL.
      2) Mark your threads NWS (denoted with ), even if it's only slightly (just put SNWS in the title).
      3) Don't post anything illegal that could get the forum in trouble or taken offline. No drug pics, underage porn, copyrighted works, etc.

      Instead of having 11ty mods, I'm trying to be relaxed by implementing community-based moderation. Use the "Report Post" feature if you see something violating the rules--those get forwarded (in confidence) directly to my email for review.

      Chrome Users: XERQ+

      Autoplay is temporarily disabled until I can get the option in the usercp (which will take some time).

      (proposed by me)
      a) Serious threads (denoted with ) are no troll zones.
      b) No lurking. 30 day grace period, otherwise members with 0 posts are pruned. Also 30 days of inactivity = prune

      (proposed by others)
      -No spamming autoplay (idea to counteract this is allowing members to disable autoplay)
      -Enforce all ban bets (maximum of 6 months)
      -No bringing shit to IRL
      -Same NWS rules as OT (linked / tagged)
      -No spoilers without a warning
      -No extreme bad fellowship in serious threads (death/cancer trolling, etc.)
      -No drugs/illegal shit
      -No affiliate links (could be solved by adding vb4 plugin for XERQ to get money to pay for hosting)
      some of us just like to read threads. i'm against the no lurking

    13. #188
      Member's Avatar
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    14. #189
      Originally posted by Member
      Just reply once in a while. You know, contribute.

      Kinda like you've done just now, sir
      i just recently started posting more on ot. i really just enjoy reading the lulz but i can see myself posting more on this site

    15. #190
      OT is slow as shit now lol

    16. #191
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      you said no drug pics.. what about 420 threads? can we post linked pics and mark the thread as NSFW?
      xerq, any comment on this?:hsdance:

    17. #192
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    18. #193
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    19. #194
      Member's Avatar
      Is there a rule #1 on here?

    20. #195
      Member's Avatar
      30 day resets are too often. 90 days is more reasonable. Sometimes a nigga just needs a break from forums

    21. #196
      Most rules sound good although I don't like the " no lurking" rule... Sometimes I'll post 500 times a week and sometimes I can't be active for 4-6 weeks. I'd like not to have to worry about losing my shit if I go inactive. Not sure why occasional lurking would negatively affect the forums

    22. #197
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Most rules sound good although I don't like the " no lurking" rule... Sometimes I'll post 500 times a week and sometimes I can't be active for 4-6 weeks. I'd like not to have to worry about losing my shit if I go inactive. Not sure why occasional lurking would negatively affect the forums
      lurkers are spies for faz-lay

    23. #198
      Member's Avatar
      OK so the 1 month prune is out, I can see now how that's ridiculous. Maybe 6 months or a year? I don't plan on implementing something like this for a while anyway, just wanted to gather thoughts moving forward.

      discussion threads are fine. No pics, no buying/selling, etc. Basically don't do anything that could get the forum in trouble.

    24. #199
      Member's Avatar
      if you go through with the no lurking / must post monthly thing, can you just make a thread that people can post in monthly if they legitimately want to lurk? I don't really see the harm in it

      also: mah nga

      edit: shit, read after the fact that this is out the door.. disregard
      Last edited by AKABatman; 12-14-2012 at 04:11 PM.

    25. #200
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      OK so the 1 month prune is out, I can see now how that's ridiculous. Maybe 6 months or a year? I don't plan on implementing something like this for a while anyway, just wanted to gather thoughts moving forward.
      Good man. Hell, I take foreign holidays longer than a month where I won't be checking into internet forums!

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