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    1. #51
      Member's Avatar
      No banning people for breaking rules that doesn't exist.

    2. #52
      Member's Avatar
      Make everyone an admin and lets see what anarchy is like!!

    3. #53
      Originally posted by Member
      Except when you become bitter and say UGA will get stomped by BAMA in the SECCG
      they lost

      i was right

    4. #54
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      shoot a PM to XERQ on ot with your join date + post count

      he'll gladly transfer them here
      Done. That nigga better not pull a fazle and not do shit.

    5. #55
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Done. That nigga better not pull a fazle and not do shit.
      if XERQ didn't care, he wouldn't have made this forum

    6. #56
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Not bringing shit to IRL is all I ever really cared about. Other things may be annoying but aren't really a big deal.

    7. #57
      Member's Avatar
      No IRL
      No kiddie porn or kiddie NWS shit [I don't need to see pictures of a 15 year old in a bikini]

      Oh, and don't be a fag and shout 'reddit repost' because not everybody visits that gay site.

      and soon 'ot repost'
      Last edited by ThatOneGuy; 12-12-2012 at 11:37 AM.

    8. #58
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      No IRL
      No kiddie porn or kiddie NWS shit [I don't need to see pictures of a 15 year old in a bikini]

      Oh, and don't be a fag and shout 'reddit repost' because not everybody visits that gay site.

      and soon 'ot repost'
      let me simplify that for you:

      no bull88 threads

    9. #59
      This member's privacy settings prevent this post from being visible to guests.

    10. #60
      Member's Avatar
      Allow spamming in a thread to bring to everyone's attention that that thread is just a rehash of shit that's already been covered a thousand times.

    11. #61
      Member's Avatar
      So...drug pics, yes or no?

    12. #62
      Member's Avatar
      This member's privacy settings prevent this post from being visible to guests.

    13. #63
      Member's Avatar
      a weed crew would be legit, but i dunno the stipulations as to why or why not it wasnt allowed on OT to begin with

    14. #64
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Drugs got After Hours shut down and the feds still watch OT like a hawk because of it.

      If you want to take drugs and make yourself dumb as fuck, fine, but don't ruin this forum.
      I'm sure we can still talk about drugs without any pics or mentioning prices.

    15. #65
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      So...drug pics, yes or no?
      Nah, don't do anything that'll get this site taken offline

    16. #66
      Member's Avatar
      Yeah you queers need to remember that he hosts this on his business servers so don't do stupid shit.

    17. #67
      Member's Avatar
      The racism shit over on OT is stupid.

    18. #68
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Yeah you queers need to remember that he hosts this on his business servers so don't do stupid shit.
      Yeah please, I'm a customer of his

    19. #69
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      white text for bryanboy and gookboy posts?
      no, pink texts for them

    20. #70
      Member's Avatar
      I say unlinked NWS is fine, as long as it's specifically marked in the thread title that it's NWS. If not, then linked.

    21. #71
      Member's Avatar
      Mod me. Obvs.

    22. #72
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      no bans unless its something WAY out of line or spam
      i would be happy seeing you perma'd

    23. #73
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      No IRL

      Oh, and don't be a fag and shout 'reddit repost' because not everybody visits that gay site.

      and soon 'ot repost'

    24. #74
      Member's Avatar
      No Autoplay
      No NWS(especially unlinked) in a thread unless it is denoted in the thread title and by an icon

      That's all I can think of.

    25. #75
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member

      autoplay = user decides if that's easy to do
      THIS. also vimeo embed if that's not already done. also steal all the smilies from smiliesftw and make me a mod.

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