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    1. #76
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      ban for spoilers.
      yes yes 1000x yes

      idgaf about nws, get back to work faggots

    2. #77
      Member's Avatar
      Some way to disable autoplay.
      Clearly marked NWS.

      That's all I really care about

    3. #78
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      ban for spoilers.

    4. #79
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      What if I can't PM on OT?

    5. #80
      Member's Avatar
      NWS Symbol, NO IRL shit, No spamming threads, No trolling srs threads (death, etc),

      Maybe a user rating system for a on topic forum or any other forum that is not dealing with the normal shit.

      Mods that actually give a fuck and take action where needed, also, more than one admin that knows something about PHP, VB, MySQL, Coding, AJAX, etc.

      Edit - a def a link back to main at the bottom of the page

    6. #81
      Member's Avatar
      No IRL. Fuck the rest of the rules.

    7. #82
      Member's Avatar
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    8. #83
      Member's Avatar
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    9. #84
      Member's Avatar
      A GORE icon.

    10. #85
      Member's Avatar
      rules? wtf are those

    11. #86
      Member's Avatar
      and how do i get my OT reg date and posts nigga, set that shit up son

    12. #87
      Spamming is the big one for me. I don't care who it is, that shit is fucking annoying. That's all my IL consists of on OT are fucks who do that.

    13. #88

    14. #89
      Member's Avatar
      The less rules, the better

    15. #90
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      A GORE icon.
      I could get behind this. I don't like clicking a thread that says "chick gives good head" and it's a gif of some bitch getting beheaded by a Mexican cartel.

    16. #91
      Member's Avatar
      One subforum I could get behind is a "provider" forum. A place to advertise for your business. I'd rather give my money to a XERQer ( ) than some random person if I can.

    17. #92
      Member's Avatar
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    18. #93
      Member's Avatar
      I like all of the rules you have listed. You should try to keep it simple - ideally, no more than a couple of very simple and obvious rules.

      There should be an emphasis on people using their IL more than outright banning people, which can hurt how active the forums are.

    19. #94
      Member's Avatar
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    20. #95
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      bring shit IRL = perma never forever

      no child porn or drugs

      other than that, fair game nigga
      pretty much this and ban all AEs whether the original account is banned or not

      and keep that whiny faggot fuzzybutthole out of here

    21. #96
      I think we should disallow permaban bets.

      No reason to lose good members over stupid shit

    22. #97
      Member's Avatar
      no affiliate links, IMO

    23. #98
      All links should be automatically affiliated through XERQ. If he can monetize the forum through nonobtrusive methods like this, then he won't need to rely on things like subs/ads as much. vB4 comes with an addon that can do this

    24. #99
      Member's Avatar
      I'd like to make a suggestion regarding transferring e-personas from OT to Xerq.

      There are a few AEs of well-known OT users on here already. I think in order for the post count and join date to be transferred here, Xerq should get a PM from the OT account of the member.

    25. #100
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      All links should be automatically affiliated through XERQ. If he can monetize the forum through nonobtrusive methods like this, then he won't need to rely on things like subs/ads as much. vB4 comes with an addon that can do this
      sounds ok to me

      but if it's for the TS' own personal monetary gain then ban?

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