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Results 151 to 175 of 308
    1. #151
      Member's Avatar
      Auto play gets most face time as responses to a thread. Unless you could auto flag it based on the code most would go unflagged.

    2. #152

    3. #153
      Member's Avatar
      I like the rules

    4. #154
      Member's Avatar
      you said no drug pics.. what about 420 threads? can we post linked pics and mark the thread as NSFW?

    5. #155

    6. #156
      Member's Avatar
      wanna keep this bitch pumping hot fire? any measure passed is voted on by the masses

    7. #157
      Member's Avatar
      hai guis

    8. #158
      Member's Avatar
      I agree with all pending discussion. I also like the amazon plugin that put's the site owner's affiliate link in. One of my friends runs a sports forum and they have a thread stickied just so that people can post what they are planning to buy off amazon anyway to put the affiliate link in it to support the site. Takes them a minute to do and saves them from having membership fees.

    9. #159
      Member's Avatar
      Drug talk and pictures should be allowed.

      You have a worldwide audience.

    10. #160
      Originally posted by Member
      you said no drug pics.. what about 420 threads? can we post linked pics and mark the thread as NSFW?
      I'm not the man himself, but I imagine 420 threads are going to get a bit of leeway. For SURE though, don't do anything fucking stupid like trying to openly sell them. I'm sure XERQ will have a more definite ruling on that shit soon, but in the mean time, it's still against the law on the federal level, and any sales, even if both OTers are in a state where it's legal, could probably wind up being a big deal for XERQ. If I see it, I'm deleting it.

    11. #161
      Member's Avatar
      no spoilers.
      no large bolded text that makes you scroll forever and kills the thread
      no annoying multiple large gifs and tons of autoplays to troll and kill the thread
      dont take shit to real life.

    12. #162
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      What do you guys think about a separate tag for autoplay threads? Or just using the NWS tag?

      I think there should be a different one for each. Some people just search for the porn and they will end up complaining that they had the lotion out and cock in hand and all they kept finding was autoplays of highway to the danger zone

    13. #163
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      you said no drug pics.. what about 420 threads? can we post linked pics and mark the thread as NSFW?
      I know this comment will not be liked but I think for the time being it's best to not post that shit in a wide open forum. Why bring any unneeded attention of hate for ourselves while we are just underway. I'm sure I am in the minority here but I can see people ruining things for us here as well since this place is filled with OT'ers and we all know how they like to fuck things up for everyone.

    14. #164
      Member's Avatar
      Proposed rule:

      No lurkers. You get a 30 day grace period, otherwise members with 0 posts are pruned. Also 30 days of inactivity = prune

    15. #165
      Subscribers would have immunity, I presume.

    16. #166
      potential problem is when big name users go inactive and get pruned, the usual tards won't be able to contain themselves making AEs

    17. #167
      Plus people wanting to take breaks from the site due to busy times of year in work or personal issues or whatever

    18. #168
      fuck lurkers though

    19. #169
      Member's Avatar
      This member's privacy settings prevent this post from being visible to guests.

    20. #170
      This member's privacy settings prevent this post from being visible to guests.

    21. #171

    22. #172
      Member's Avatar
      I think he means if you join and don't post within 30 days you get pruned.

      If you have one post you're fine.

    23. #173
      Member's Avatar
      This member's privacy settings prevent this post from being visible to guests.

    24. #174
      Member's Avatar
      30 days after signup and no posts, prune that bitch.
      I think I favor the 90 days inactivity for regulars though. You never know what may pop up. If you go with 30 days, lock the account for a period of time before actual pruning.

      Or don't. I'm here everyday

    25. #175
      Member's Avatar
      So far so good, don't like the prune after 30 days of inactivity though. Sometimes I get real busy and don't login to OT for a month. I don't wanna lose my account SON

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