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  • Which page are the pics on?
    There are 64 images in this thread
    1. #2551
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      Originally posted by Member
      I think it's funny how he was saying Mexico is so great etc etc

      Why didn't Mexico send their navy to save him?
      Because 'mericuh = world's 911

    2. #2552
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      Srsly, he goes on and on about Mexico is so much greater than the US, health care and doctors there are so much better.

    3. #2553
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    4. #2554
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      Originally posted by Member
      A real man wouldn't put his wife, infant and toddler in such wonton and unnecessary danger
      every risk we take in life is theoretically unnecessary. why go skiing? why go to concerts? why go to the bar? why drive a car? why leave your house? why eat fried food? these things are all relatively dangerous, yet commonly accepted because they allow us to have fun, create memories, etc. according to a lot of you motherfuckers who apparently grew up with some boring ass parents, the large majority of family vacations we took when i was young were "incredibly dangerous and unnecessary". these trips have also allowed me to see a huge amount of the country, create life long memories, and experience things many will never even come close to.

      but please, by all means continue on living your life confined to the city you grew up in because the world is big and scary. but don't apply the limitations of your monotonous existence to what other people want out of life.

    5. #2555
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      Originally posted by Member
      every risk we take in life is theoretically unnecessary. why go skiing? why go to concerts? why go to the bar? why drive a car? why leave your house? why eat fried food? these things are all relatively dangerous, yet commonly accepted because they allow us to have fun, create memories, etc. according to a lot of you motherfuckers who apparently grew up with some boring ass parents, the large majority of family vacations we took when i was young were "incredibly dangerous and unnecessary". these trips have also allowed me to see a huge amount of the country, create life long memories, and experience things many will never even come close to.

      but please, by all means continue on living your life confined to the city you grew up in because the world is big and scary. but don't apply the limitations of your monotonous existence to what other people want out of life.

      Sorry I was too busy strapping an infant to my chest before skydiving.


      There's a risk to driving an hour to Disneyland and there's sailing by yourself with your reluctant wife, toddler and infant across the pacific, you don't see the difference?

    6. #2556
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Sorry I was too busy strapping an infant to my chest before skydiving.


      There's a risk to driving an hour to Disneyland and there's sailing by yourself with your reluctant wife, toddler and infant across the pacific, you don't see the difference?
      living your life in constant fear and sheltering your kids is fucking them over far more than doing some cool ass shit that has the potential to go wrong.

      i'll be sure to let my mom know she needs to turn herself in for child abuse since i've been skiing since i was 2 and it's quite unnecessary and dangerous.

    7. #2557
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      Sick baby rescued at sea: Who pays for the mission?

      In a statement, Eric and Charlotte Kaufman said they were proud of their decision to attempt a sail around the world, and that the sea “always has the potential to overcome those who live on or near it.”

      “We understand there are those who question our decision to sail with our family, but please know that this is how our family has lived for seven years": (Photo: Navy via Reuters)

    8. #2558
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      Originally posted by Member
      living your life in constant fear and sheltering your kids is fucking them over far more than doing some cool ass shit that has the potential to go wrong.

      i'll be sure to let my mom know she needs to turn herself in for child abuse since i've been skiing since i was 2 and it's quite unnecessary and dangerous.
      Sorry bud, you don't remember skiing at 2.

      And neither will faceman's 1 year old remember this trip.

    9. #2559
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    10. #2560
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    11. #2561
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    12. #2562
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      Originally posted by Member
      her brother sounds like a sheltered pussy of a man

      "I don’t understand what they were thinking to begin with,” he said. “I’m sorry, I don’t even like to take my kids in a car ride that would be too dangerous, and it’s, like, taking them out into the big ocean? It’s like — I don’t know"

      using "like" as if he was a fucking high school girl,

    13. #2563
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    14. #2564
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    15. #2565
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      Originally posted by Member
      every risk we take in life is theoretically unnecessary. why go skiing? why go to concerts? why go to the bar? why drive a car? why leave your house? why eat fried food? these things are all relatively dangerous, yet commonly accepted because they allow us to have fun, create memories, etc. according to a lot of you motherfuckers who apparently grew up with some boring ass parents, the large majority of family vacations we took when i was young were "incredibly dangerous and unnecessary". these trips have also allowed me to see a huge amount of the country, create life long memories, and experience things many will never even come close to.

      but please, by all means continue on living your life confined to the city you grew up in because the world is big and scary. but don't apply the limitations of your monotonous existence to what other people want out of life.

      today my mother, aunt, grandmother and father would all be thrown in jail for some of the driving they did while I was in the car as a child

      no, I don't remember the instances when I was one, but I remember a lot of them from around 4 on, some of the best memories of my life, and one of my favorite baby pictures (which I've posted on xerq before) was of me n mom with her datsun roadster in the snow (rwd, in the snow, what) and she was certainly not driving slow on that trip across country

    16. #2566
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    17. #2567
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      Originally posted by Member
      to be fair, thered be pictures.
      I'd risk my family's life for pictures any day of the week.

    18. #2568
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      Originally posted by Member
      previous page

      guy in the boat with the baby looks nothing like him though, i've had a few beers with him in SD a few years back
      Where in the FUCK have you been????

      And now the moment you have been waiting for. My neighbor is a harbor pilot. I don't remember the exact verbiage of his title, but it included "master" and "unlimited tonnage." He graduated from the New York Maritime College. I asked him for his opinion.

      He said Faceman's "captain" certification is a two-week course that no one fails. He also said he has known people who tried to sail across the Pacific and were never heard from again. His cliffs: Faceman is an idiot, imho, tbh.
      Last edited by Johnny Fever; 04-07-2014 at 10:38 PM.

    19. #2569
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Where in the FUCK have you been????

      And now the moment you have been waiting for. My neighbor is a harbor pilot. I don't remember the exact verbiage of his title, but it included "master" and "unlimited tonnage." He graduated from the New York Maritime College. I asked him for his opinion.

      He said Faceman's "captain" certification is a two-week course that no one fails. He also said he has known people who tried to sail across the Pacific and were never heard from again. His cliffs: Faceman is an idiot, imho, tbh.

    20. #2570
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      Originally posted by Member
      Where in the FUCK have you been????

      And now the moment you have been waiting for. My neighbor is a harbor pilot. I don't remember the exact verbiage of his title, but it included "master" and "unlimited tonnage." He graduated from the New York Maritime College. I asked him for his opinion.

      He said Faceman's "captain" certification is a two-week course that no one fails. He also said he has known people who tried to sail across the Pacific and were never heard from again. His cliffs: Faceman is an idiot, imho, tbh.
      i love that it takes a fucking old salt of a sailor to validate what we all knew all along: this was a bad fucking idea

    21. #2571
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Where in the FUCK have you been????

      And now the moment you have been waiting for. My neighbor is a harbor pilot. I don't remember the exact verbiage of his title, but it included "master" and "unlimited tonnage." He graduated from the New York Maritime College. I asked him for his opinion.

      He said Faceman's "captain" certification is a two-week course that no one fails. He also said he has known people who tried to sail across the Pacific and were never heard from again. His cliffs: Faceman is an idiot, imho, tbh.
      the more I think about this, after writing a book on sailing and keeping a blog, I think he was looking at this trip to bring more notoriety.

    22. #2572
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      living your life in constant fear and sheltering your kids is fucking them over far more than doing some cool ass shit that has the potential to go wrong.

      i'll be sure to let my mom know she needs to turn herself in for child abuse since i've been skiing since i was 2 and it's quite unnecessary and dangerous.

      it must be fun living live in absolutes. because heaven forbid we live somewhere in the middle. think it's stupid to take a 1 and 3 year old across the pacific in a small sailboat? you're clearly some agoraphobic fuck hiding under your bed.

    23. #2573
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      Originally posted by Member
      it must be fun living live in absolutes. because heaven forbid we live somewhere in the middle. think it's stupid to take a 1 and 3 year old across the pacific in a small sailboat? you're clearly some agoraphobic fuck hiding under your bed.

      lets see him in a 36' sailboat with waves like the ones at the end of this video, and talk about needing more 1 year old kids on board.

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    24. #2574
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      lets see him in a 36' sailboat with waves like the ones at the end of this video, and talk about needing more 1 year old kids on board.

      Disable Autoplay (option at the bottom)

      bro, he's a certified captain, stop being a pussy.

    25. #2575
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      bro, he's a certified captain, stop being a pussy.
      If you wouldn't take your entire family out in that in the middle of the pacific in a dingy then you are a pussy who hides under the bed all day and you are screwing your kids up by keeping the world from them.

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