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  • Which page are the pics on?
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    1. #301
      ... But did he vaccinate his kids?

    2. #302
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      the one in trouble is about 1 year old. The other kid is somewhere around 5.
      Oh, yeah that was probably a bad idea then. I mean it's easy to say in hindsight, but i mean a 1 year old can't even walk yet.

    3. #303
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      hopefully @faceman is taking tons of pics and vids
      I was thinking the same thing

    4. #304
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    5. #305
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Yeah he's doing it to show his INFANT daughter the world. I'm sure she'll look back on this trip 10 years from now when shes 11 and think fondly about it.

      Face it. Dude was being selfish and got fucking burned. He's lucky his kid didnt die or he'd have a lot of trouble going forward through life.
      He was doing it to be with his family, to set paths that few have the balls to go on. Not once did he say it was all for her or the kids, but THEM as a FAMILY, on a JOURNEY.

      Everything is ok if bad never happened, but bad shit happens every day, why hide from it, get over it, get stronger and move on.

    6. #306
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      List of infant children brought on each expedition?
      exactly. if HE wanted to decide to go on that trip, fine. dont involve children. it's childish.

    7. #307
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      Originally posted by Member
      Because people don't seem to get it.
      You "called it" for this one particular case. I'm sure you're not so adament about pointing out how your predictions were dead wrong for thousands of other famlies that do this exact same thing safely and happily.

    8. #308
      Member's Avatar
      according to a news source he lost steering.

      that would explain why they had no power to maneuver the vessel.

      all still speculation at this point. He may not need to leave the boat

    9. #309
      Alright, I truly hope for the best for him and his kids. No child deserves to die on a boat in the middle of the fucking Pacific.

      But come the fuck on, who brings a 1 year old child on a fucking sailing trip around the world. Just totally irresponsible.

    10. #310
      Member's Avatar
      Damnit faceman hope you and your family are ok

    11. #311
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Alright, I truly hope for the best for him and his kids. No child deserves to die on a boat in the middle of the fucking Pacific.

      But come the fuck on, who brings a 1 year old child on a fucking sailing trip around the world. Just totally irresponsible.

      many people do it, successfully, each year. You only hear about the cases like this that go wrong.

    12. #312
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    13. #313
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      Originally posted by Member
      Alright, I truly hope for the best for him and his kids. No child deserves to die on a boat in the middle of the fucking Pacific.

      But come the fuck on, who brings a 1 year old child on a fucking sailing trip around the world. Just totally irresponsible.
      no man. the kid wanted to see the world obviously.

    14. #314
      Member's Avatar
      a trip to disney world is too good for faceman's infant daughter.

    15. #315
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    16. #316
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      Originally posted by Member
      I think there are a lot of parents who have kids in the sailing community. Most do fine and grow up good so I don't see a problem with it. Risk is life.

      they cruised around with their 1 year old for a while, then got pregnant with twins. They will probably continue their cruise when the twins are a little older.

      there are many examples of families cruising. Wind Traveler is one of the more popular blogs of a family doing it.

    17. #317
      OH FUCK.

      I hope everything works out well.

    18. #318
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    19. #319
      Originally posted by Member
      no man. the kid wanted to see the world obviously.
      Clearly the ones year old will remember this for the rest of his life.

    20. #320
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    21. #321
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    22. #322
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      Originally posted by Member
      many people do it, successfully, each year. You only hear about the cases like this that go wrong.
      exactly. its only irresponsible when something bad happens, otherwise its the best thing ever.

    23. #323
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    24. #324
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      Originally posted by Member
      exactly. if HE wanted to decide to go on that trip, fine. dont involve children. it's childish.
      You're fucking retarded. You involve children in danger every time you put them in a car. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.

      In a world where fear stops you from doing anything you are living life as a pussy or what I would call "not living life at all".

    25. #325
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      People acting like he was a novice and dragging along his kids with nothing more than a couple band-aids in case the kid got a splinter.

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