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Results 276 to 300 of 4756
  • Which page are the pics on?
    There are 64 images in this thread
    1. #276
      Originally posted by Member
      I think NN or OT had a pedo in jail
      Sounds about right

    2. #277
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      How old is the kid?
      the one in trouble is about 1 year old. The other kid is somewhere around 5.

    3. #278
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      And humans lived in caves, too. Is that what you do with your family?
      we still live in caves, not the cave cave in the side of mountain. Houses, Apartments and other domiciles are still caves. Just modernized

    4. #279
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      If he'd made it across safely, all the naysayers would be riding his nuts hardcore. The fact the child got sick by chance and he's now a bad parent.

      I applaud the fact he's sailing, following dreams and showing his kids the world and people need to realize when you tread new ground, that the world is unpredictable and you take the good with the bad.. The good is far more frequent than the bad, so roll with it. I do hope this doesn't sour him from trying it again, maybe under different circumstances, but I hope this isn't the end for him.
      Yeah he's doing it to show his INFANT daughter the world. I'm sure she'll look back on this trip 10 years from now when shes 11 and think fondly about it.

      Face it. Dude was being selfish and got fucking burned. He's lucky his kid didnt die or he'd have a lot of trouble going forward through life.

    5. #280
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Do you hunt every night and roast animals over campfires?
      when I go camping I do, but everyday I do roast an animal over a fire

    6. #281
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Yeah he's doing it to show his INFANT daughter the world. I'm sure she'll look back on this trip 10 years from now when shes TEN and think fondly about it.

      Face it. Dude was being selfish and got fucking burned. He's lucky his kid didnt die or he'd have a lot of trouble going forward through life.
      this is a trip that would have lasted many years. Its not a weekend holiday that the infant wont remember. She will be growing up sailing the world.

    7. #282
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    8. #283
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    9. #284
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Dear Lewis,

      I won't be able to accompany you on the journey due to the chance of contracting the sniffles. It just isn't worth it.



    10. #285
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    11. #286
      Member's Avatar
      Damn...he got pissed when I suggested it was a bad idea to take young children out on the open sea.

    12. #287
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      I remember the thread on NN but it was a long time ago, and possibly about an OTer
      wasn't Tomas?

    13. #288
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    14. #289
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Dear Lewis,

      I won't be able to accompany you on the journey due to the chance of contracting the sniffles. It just isn't worth it.



    15. #290
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    16. #291
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    17. #292
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    18. #293
      This whole thread

    19. #294
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      To The Queen of Spain,
      I fear I may not be able to make my planned voyage to India. I've heard horror stories of flu.
      Chris Columbus

    20. #295
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      when he comes back you can say "i told you so"
      Yea, I sure could.

    21. #296
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      haha cool. It really takes seeing how the other world operates to put your life into perspective, I didnt really travel till I joined the navy and was stationed in japan...until then I assumed everyone had central air, clean running water, electricity, etc.

      I intend to open my kids eyes earlier than I had mine opened...also my wife and I are big into scuba and so far, my little girl loves, LOVES swimming, could hold her breath for like 10 seconds underwater before she was 3, etc so we're that she'll take to scuba so we can plan trips that have great dive sites. I watch vids of kids (9-13) bossing the scuba gear and it gets me in the feels that tingle when you see your kids doing things and experiencing things on their own
      I see a lot of that in my boys. A buddy of mine is a commercial diver and introduced my 12 yr old to scuba in our pool when he was only 10. Every chance he gets, they toss the air on and rummage around in the pool. My son isn't ready (he says) to do anything more than the pool, but i'm sure that time will come and I will be fully behind it.

      My youngest has expressed the desire to learn to fly airplanes. i'm on board with that..

      Both kids are currently travelling the national circuit racing ATV's. We just came back from Georgia, and are heading down to Tennessee in a few hours.

      Life happens only once, make the best of it

    22. #297
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    23. #298
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    24. #299
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      Damn. Praying everything works out.

      Sent from XERQ Mobile Beta

    25. #300
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Dear Lewis,

      I won't be able to accompany you on the journey due to the chance of contracting the sniffles. It just isn't worth it.


      Originally posted by Member
      To The Queen of Spain,
      I fear I may not be able to make my planned voyage to India. I've heard horror stories of flu.
      Chris Columbus
      List of infant children brought on each expedition?

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