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    1. #26
      Member's Avatar
      It'll simmer down eventually. We implemented the infraction system on the local board and my PM box blew the fuck up at people bitching up a storm about OMG. FUCK THIS. INFRACTIONS WILL EAT MY SOUL!!!

      Don't be an asshat and it'll be fine...even IF you get an infraction. The shit falls off after so long on it's own. Usually a month. Don't be a bitch several times in that month and nothing will happen other than the notification that you got the infraction. It does nothing to impact your day. Chill the fuck out and don't be a jackass.

    2. #27
      Member's Avatar
      For the people complaining: none of this is new. We've had this system since day one or thereabouts. I'm just explaining how it works. If you already knew that and you just want to complain, then by all means, let the hate flow through you.

    3. #28
      Originally posted by Member
      don't be an asshole and you have nothing to worry about?
      dont be a thin skinned loser and complain to mommy and daddy when someone says something you dont like

    4. #29
      Member's Avatar
      does OP mean original poster here?

      I'm going back to OT

    5. #30
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      does OP mean original poster here?

      I'm going back to OT
      TS says no.

    6. #31
      Member's Avatar

    7. #32
      Member's Avatar
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    8. #33
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      How does an infraction really expire if they still show up in your reputation?
      Multiple infractions rack up a point total, and if the total gets too high it automatically triggers a ban. If an infraction has expired, it no longer counts towards that point total.

    9. #34
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      It'll simmer down eventually. We implemented the infraction system on the local board and my PM box blew the fuck up at people bitching up a storm about OMG. FUCK THIS. INFRACTIONS WILL EAT MY SOUL!!!
      ROFL, the ratio of butthurt replies after an infraction was around 3:4 to 4:5. Definitely fun times!

    10. #35
      Member's Avatar
      @red Where is the fine print allowing us carte blanche ban authority for any reason a moderator finds necessary

    11. #36
      Member's Avatar
      wut's the duration usually if we want to poz/neg a member seems like i pozzed @TheDrizzle last week...went to poz him again and its saying i cant...

      is it based on length of time...or having to poz/neg X number of other members before giving the same member poz/negs again


    12. #37
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      wut's the duration usually if we want to poz/neg a member seems like i pozzed @TheDrizzle last week...went to poz him again and its saying i cant...

      is it based on length of time...or having to poz/neg X number of other members before giving the same member poz/negs again

      I think part of it is definitely based on the number of people you poz. You have to spread it around.... Its not perfect but it was meant to keep people from pozing their friends over and over again.

    13. #38
      Member's Avatar
      "you're" welcome....I just pozzed you and realized I put "your" instead of "you're"....

    14. #39
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      @red Where is the fine print allowing us carte blanche ban authority for any reason a moderator finds necessary

    15. #40
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member

      Ban for bad fellowship!

    16. #41
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    17. #42
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      That's a good one. I think there is +999999 reason why this isn't the case ...
      I have no idea how poz works. I was just suckering @Jonari into giving me some POZ and that shit worked.


    18. #43
      Member's Avatar
      I actually wonder if the poz novelty has finally worn off and if it can be reset and done legitimately now

    19. #44
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      I have no idea how poz works. I was just suckering @Jonari into giving me some POZ and that shit worked.


    20. #45

    21. #46
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    22. #47
      Lol, oh look...xerq is implementing shit that is exactly the opposite of what xerq himself said would be done.

      Color me surprised.

    23. #48
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Lol, oh look...xerq is implementing shit that is exactly the opposite of what xerq himself said would be done.

      Color me surprised.
      I have no idea what you're talking about. This isn't something new.

    24. #49
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Lol, oh look...xerq is implementing shit that is exactly the opposite of what xerq himself said would be done.

      Color me surprised.

      This infraction stuff has been here for a long time hasn't it? I thought Red was only clarifying its purpose. I'm honestly not sure what you mean.

    25. #50
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