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  • Latest image
    There are 8 images in this thread
    1. #51
      Member's Avatar
      I know

    2. #52
      Member's Avatar
      FUCK YES!!!

      I fucking hate autoplay so much. Always happens at work.

    3. #53
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Testing Testing 1 2 3....

      Disable Autoplay (option at the bottom)

      Disable Autoplay (option at the bottom)

      keep trying doe, software testing at its best right here

    4. #54

    5. #55
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member

    6. #56
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      keep trying doe, software testing at its best right here

      I was like...uh, the 2nd one is autoplaying...then I realized I don't and never will have autoplay turned off.

    7. #57
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      I was like...uh, the 2nd one is autoplaying...then I realized I don't and never will have autoplay turned off.
      Choice. This America now.

    8. #58
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Choice. This American now.

    9. #59
      Member's Avatar
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    10. #60
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Nice work! Good to have user options.

      What is the correct way to post video's these days? [y] tag other tag?

      Flash Blocker has killed all currently posted versions in this thread. Thought we were going to HTML5 video display?
      Both codes are now using the iframe embed. I wanted to make the [y] tag just an [alias] for video but it wasn't working so well. Right now they're only slightly different. I would advise using the video tag since it's more flexible and supported natively by vBulletin.

      If you want to use HTML5, go here:, and sign up for the trial. All videos you see on youtube should then be HTML5 based, and since the embed codes are iframes, they too should use HTML5.

    11. #61
      Member's Avatar
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    12. #62
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Ah sweet, I'm happy with the flash versions, as it get's blocked automatically with the blocker. As for the video tag, what is the correct bbcode for it's use. It doesn't seem to have a button and at looking at other peoples code it only shows the output.
      I see a button and I'm using the standard editor:

      It's as simple as putting the full youtube (or vimeo etc.) url inside the tags.

      [ video][/video]

    13. #63

      Disable Autoplay (option at the bottom)

    14. #64
      Member's Avatar
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    15. #65
      Member's Avatar


    16. #66
      Member's Avatar

      Keeps me from having to add every different autoplay code to adblock.

      UH, I mean, It helps because I'm not using adblock on this site at all. Nope. It is disabled.

    17. #67
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member

      Keeps me from having to add every different autoplay code to adblock.

      UH, I mean, It helps because I'm not using adblock on this site at all. Nope. It is disabled.

    18. #68
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member

      What were the codes you wanted people to exempt from adblock? I was meaning to put those in, I just forgot about it, and now I don't know where to find that info again.

    19. #69
      Member's Avatar
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    20. #70
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member

      What were the codes you wanted people to exempt from adblock? I was meaning to put those in, I just forgot about it, and now I don't know where to find that info again.
      Just leave google adsense/analytics, chartbeat, quantcast, and viglink whitelisted

    21. #71
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Just leave google adsense/analytics, chartbeat, quantcast, and viglink whitelisted
      All fixed.

    22. #72
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      All fixed.

    23. #73
      Still no "Threadstarter" tag under my name?

      Fuck you, Fazle > Xerq.

    24. #74
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Still no "Threadstarter" tag under my name?

      Fuck you, Fazle > Xerq.
      I won't insult you guys by implementing that

    25. #75
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      A working IL
      Originally posted by Member
      Someone posted a thread about this a few days ago, I can't find it now but basically just put this: as a custom AdBlock filter and it will remove the whole view post/remove user from ignore list junk and make it look like a VB 3.x IL. It won't block threads they make though, but that's easy enough to avoid.

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