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    1. #1
      Member's Avatar

      Subforums => SubXERQs

      We've experienced success with the SubXERQs and their community management. I don't want SubXERQ leaders to feel like they're in competition with "official" subforums, nor users to think that SubXERQs are poverty subforums or less valuable or whatever. So the best solution is to simply get rid of official subforums and level the playing field. With this in mind we're migrating the "official" subforums to SubXERQs.

      I put together a tiny group of 3 smods that will oversee general site management ( @red, @Ds4Xc5, and @Cthalupa ) and will remain the only official mods of XERQ.

    2. #2

    3. #3
      Member's Avatar
      why ds4xc5. he never even posts. fully agree with other two doe

    4. #4
      Member's Avatar
      has mike filed a lawsuit against you yet for handing him his pink slip?

    5. #5
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      why ds4xc5. he never even posts. fully agree with other two doe
      Damn good blowjobs we always need a fluffer

    6. #6
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      why ds4xc5. he never even posts. fully agree with other two doe
      My AE is @spacedicks

    7. #7
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      My AE is @spacedicks
      that's not even something to joke about bro

    8. #8
      Originally posted by Member
      why ds4xc5. he never even posts. fully agree with other two doe
      he never posts because he's busy taking out the trash

    9. #9
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member

    10. #10
      Member's Avatar
      when me

    11. #11
      Member's Avatar
      Finally, a chance to be mod

    12. #12
      Member's Avatar
      Shit, wrong account

    13. #13
      Good choice regarding mod cull


    14. #14
      As a note, this means a further reduction of who can view IP addresses, etc, of posters. I know this was a concern for some of you. XERQ had already reduced this after initial concerns were raised, but with this change, it means that only the supermods and XERQ himself can view the IP address of posters.

    15. #15
      Member's Avatar
      No probs. vBulletin's flaws already give some of us full blown access to the DB anyway.

    16. #16
      Originally posted by Member
      As a note, this means a further reduction of who can view IP addresses, etc, of posters. I know this was a concern for some of you. XERQ had already reduced this after initial concerns were raised, but with this change, it means that only the supermods and XERQ himself can view the IP address of posters.
      Who cares about IP addresses? The bigger concern is email addresses.

    17. #17
      Originally posted by Member
      Who cares about IP addresses? The bigger concern is email addresses.
      Nothing really to worry about with either. One is advertised publicly whenever you do anything on the internet, the other gets handed out freely all over the place. XERQ is the only one that can view your registered email address, though.

      No one is anonymous on the internet.

    18. #18
      Originally posted by Member
      No probs. vBulletin's flaws already give some of us full blown access to the DB anyway.

    19. #19
      Originally posted by Member
      Nothing really to worry about with either. One is advertised publicly whenever you do anything on the internet, the other gets handed out freely all over the place. XERQ is the only one that can view your registered email address, though.

      No one is anonymous on the internet.
      we r legion


    20. #20
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Damn good blowjobs we always need a fluffer

    21. #21
      Member's Avatar
      This member's privacy settings prevent this post from being visible to guests.

    22. #22
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      he never posts because he's busy taking out the trash

    23. #23
      Member's Avatar
      goodnight sweet prince

    24. #24
      Member's Avatar
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    25. #25
      Member's Avatar
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