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    1. #1
      Member's Avatar

      Create your own subforum

      What are SubXERQs:
      SubXERQs are a way for members to extend the XERQ platform by creating their own subforum(s). These will be completely autonomous, meaning you can run them however you want as long as the global rules are followed.

      Newest SubXERQs:
      Independent SubXERQs*:

      * Independent SubXERQs that don't cross-post into The Main

      The global rules have been rewritten to be as bare-bones as possible (summarized from here:
      -no spam
      -no personal info (IRL shit)
      -no illegal content / pornography (along with no JB)
      -no commercialism (paid subforums only)
      -NWS tag must be used for (S)NWS content

      When you create a subforum, you and whomever you want will become moderators of that subforum. You will be able to run it however you want, have your own rules (or lack thereof), and be able to "ban" people from your subforum(s).

      How to apply for a subforum
      PM me the following: the subforum name, description to appear on the site, who you want to moderate it (you + 3 other moderators = 4 total), and the rules of your subforum.

      This is part of our larger upgrade plan to the new XERQ Platform. The VB Group system was a good idea, but executed poorly. This will allow people to have free reign over their own communities while tapping into the larger, growing XERQ userbase.

      Please note: This will be in beta until we fully upgrade to the new XERQ Platform, so the structure may change without notice.
      Last edited by XERQ; 11-02-2014 at 08:12 PM.

    2. #2
      This member's privacy settings prevent this post from being visible to guests.

    3. #3
      Member's Avatar

    4. #4
      Member's Avatar

    5. #5
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    6. #6
      Member's Avatar
      so this is like a reddit add on for xerq?

    7. #7
      Member's Avatar
      woah woah waoh

    8. #8
      I want to run a serious forum.

    9. #9
      Member's Avatar
      So like subredd... er, yeah. Totally not like that at all.

    10. #10

    11. #11
      @gorilla subforum so his ladies are easy to locate

    12. #12
      Member's Avatar
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    13. #13
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      @gorilla subforum so his ladies are easy to locate

      I want a justice for trayvon subforum

    14. #14
      Member's Avatar
      Sock subforum featuring @kwhitelaw @Jimmycrackcorn @mike @bull88 etc

    15. #15
      Member's Avatar
      in for NN free subforum

    16. #16
      Member's Avatar
      This seems kind of dumb

    17. #17
      Member's Avatar
      sounds awesome if you had a lot of people, but we dont so eh

    18. #18
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      Sock subforum featuring @kwhitelaw @Jimmycrackcorn @mike @bull88 etc
      the world of xerq needs to see all of sock crew, do not hide us

    19. #19
      Member's Avatar
      Subxerqs awww yee

    20. #20
      Member's Avatar
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    21. #21
      Originally posted by Member
      Sock subforum featuring @kwhitelaw @Jimmycrackcorn @mike @bull88 etc
      Originally posted by Member
      How about a style forum with us as mods???

    22. #22
      Originally posted by Member
      the world of xerq needs to see all of sock crew, do not hide us
      Cross posting into the main

    23. #23
      Member's Avatar
      a subforum for ketchup

    24. #24
      Member's Avatar
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    25. #25
      Member's Avatar
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