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Results 126 to 145 of 145
    1. #126
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      fuck that, lets draw him in and shit all over him
      set the trap

    2. #127
      Member's Avatar
      The Cage has been created. Come roam free my friends. Do not be held down by these faggots any more.

    3. #128
      Member's Avatar
      This member's privacy settings prevent this post from being visible to guests.

    4. #129
      Originally posted by Member
      The Cage has been created. Come roam free my friends. Do not be held down by these faggots any more.

    5. #130
      This member's privacy settings prevent this post from being visible to guests.

    6. #131

      i know most Xerq'ers, as a whole, really dislike the old NN refugees what if we created an NN sub-forum and moved the NN thread in there and kept it off the main, so the rest of Xerq didn't have to deal with that shit. i am not sure why it riles so many, but it does.

      i'd mod it if you need....

    7. #132
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member

      i know most Xerq'ers, as a whole, really dislike the old NN refugees what if we created an NN sub-forum and moved the NN thread in there and kept it off the main, so the rest of Xerq didn't have to deal with that shit. i am not sure why it riles so many, but it does.

      i'd mod it if you need....
      Works for me, send a PM using the instructions from the first post

    8. #133
      Member's Avatar
      I want a subforum in a subforum while in a forum. I want to call it 'The Xzibit'

    9. #134
      Can I has KetchupFront pls?

    10. #135
      Originally posted by Member
      Works for me, send a PM using the instructions from the first post
      sorry it took me so long to PM you

    11. #136
      Originally posted by Member
      Can I has KetchupFront pls?

    12. #137
      Member's Avatar
      wtf are @Ketchup fonts

    13. #138
      Member's Avatar
      oh shit, i can has glasses

    14. #139
      Originally posted by Member
      oh shit, i can has glasses

    15. #140
      Member's Avatar
      This member's privacy settings prevent this post from being visible to guests.

    16. #141
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member

    17. #142
      Member's Avatar

      How to apply for a subforum
      PM me the following: the subforum name, description to appear on the site, who you want to moderate it (you + 3 other moderators = 4 total), and the rules of your subforum.
      Name: STAR WARS
      Description: Discussion of everything and anything that happened a Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away...
      Mods: just me for now
      Rules: Anything Star Wars related. For upcoming movies/cartoons/books, etc, please put "SPOILERS" in the thread title.

    18. #143
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member

      Name: STAR WARS
      Description: Discussion of everything and anything that happened a Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away...
      Mods: just me for now
      Rules: Anything Star Wars related. For upcoming movies/cartoons/books, etc, please put "SPOILERS" in the thread title.
      "PM me the following"

    19. #144
      Member's Avatar
      Originally posted by Member
      "PM me the following"

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